The Dutch Epicure Shop, LLC

491 Bantam Rd. Litchfield, CT (860) 567-5586

September Vacation

W Joas

Each time I shut the store down I swear I won't cook or bake for three weeks until I get back but invariably the kitchen calls to me and I find myself stirring tiny little recipes with my kids for involved cakes and desserts  that I could never make on a large scale for the bakery.  Then I'm captured by the call of the jam...Ball jars for sale on every aisle cap, the scent of the Concord grapes in the woods every time I walk the dog drawing me to brave the poison ivy and bring home the gold, or the purple as it were.  Six cases later, it's grape jelly, jam, spiced ginger grape, not to mention the spoils of summer in the freezer that I haven't gotten to with the rush of the lake, the pool, the playground, and, and , and... Blackberry, raspberry, mint, apple butter, when does it end?  When I go back to work I suppose.